Designer Frames & Precision Lenses
Find your perfect match at Cenla Vision Source.
The right eyewear balances form and function. You want to look great, feel great, and see clearly in every condition. Cenla Vision Source can help you find your match.
Our optical studio features a curated collection of designer frames and precision lenses. Your eyes deserve the best, and our experienced team can help you find it.
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What are my options for lenses?
There are many eyeglass lens options available. Your eye care provider will take your lifestyle and vision correction needs into consideration when helping you select the right lenses for your eyes.
Here are some of the most common eyeglass lens types:
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Transition lenses
These lenses are made of dynamic materials that automatically adjust to the level of surrounding light. They can take the place of prescription sunglasses and help block UV rays.
UV coated lenses
UV coating can be applied to regular eyeglasses unless the lens is made with polycarbonate. UV coated lenses look like any other lens – the coating is transparent.
Tinted sunglass lenses
If you are getting prescription sunglasses, you might want to get tinted eyeglasses instead. These look like sunglasses and protect the health of your eyes by keeping out UV rays, but technically they aren’t true sunglasses.
Scratch-resistant coating
A transparent coating that helps protect glass lenses from those annoying scratches. Scratch-resistant coating is especially useful for children’s eyeglasses.
Plastic lenses
Plastic lenses make the entire eyeglasses weigh significantly less than glass lens eyeglasses. If you are a person who dislikes feeling the weight of eyeglasses on your nose, this lightweight alternative might be right for you.
Thinner lenses
The special polycarbonate lenses greatly reduce the thickness of the lenses so that the eyeglass profile is more attractive. Thinner lenses come in thin, extra-thin and thinnest available.
Anti-glare lenses
Anti-glare lenses are dipped in a special material to make them less reflective than regular eyeglass lenses. This coating also improves the function of the eyeglasses because less light is lost and the wearer enjoys very clear vision.
We do that too! Cenla Vision Source offers comprehensive eye exams at our Alexandria office. In addition to assessing your visual acuity, your eye care provider will examine your eye health and function.
Schedule a comprehensive eye exam at Cenla Vision Source now.